It is so amazing to watch the boys with their baby brother...I hope as time goes on that their bond continues to strengthen and grow.
Today, Braxton made one of those 'out of the mouths of babes' comments. I had just weighed myself and I was happy to see that I was only 1lb. away from my pre-pregnancy weight. Seeing as I went into this pregnancy with plenty of extra poundage, I am hoping to ride the 'breastfeeding burns calories' bandwagon for as long as possible and burn off some of the leftover weight from my first pregnancy (or rather from the 5,000 pounds of chocolate I ate while staying awake all night long during the boys' first year). As I walked out of the room, Braxton said, "Mommy, aren't you glad the baby is out of your tummy?" I said yes, I am glad that he is here with us now. Brax replied saying, "Now your tummy will go back to how it was before!" I asked him what he means and he said, "You know, much smaller!" I better start that exercise program...
So, I made the boys take pictures after school yesterday. Doris showed me how the dining room table makes for a perfect spot for setting up a photo shoot! Unfortunately, Treyton wasn't very interested. At least I was able to get some good sleeping pictures once his tummy was full and he drifted off into sleep...

oh so sweet!!! I cn not wait to meet him!
Oh how gorgeous!!! I thought those toes of his was something else though. I did a double take.
gorgeous pics..he is just so soft and sweet!
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