Tuesday, September 02, 2008

It has been almost 10 months since my last post - seriously, where has the time gone? A few things have happened in the life of the Beckmans - more on all of that later. Meanwhile, here is my grand excuse for not having kept up with my blog:

That's right, with only days to go here is the big news: baby boy #3 is on his way! For our families and our Nashville friends, this isn't news.... BUT, for those of our friends who haven't heard from us all year (which encompasses just about everyone outside of a ten-mile radius) - well, let's just say that it has been both a happy and sad year, an exciting and a challenging year. The happy news is that any moment now, our third son will join us (which won't be a moment too soon!)...


At 7:12 PM, Blogger Renee said...

Yea! You're back to blogging. now if I can just get back to not reading so many blogs maybe I can have something worth blogging about

At 8:24 AM, Blogger cinda1212 said...

Finally! Of course with boy #3 appearing any day... I trust it'll be another 10 months before we hear from you again. :)

At 7:14 PM, Blogger doris sander said...

she blogs! :D


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