All is happy here in babyworld...the boys are adapting, although they have regressed in a few areas but I guess that is to be expected. We made it through the whirlwind trip to Chicago, Wisconsin and then back to Chicago again. We didn't get to visit with anyone except family, so maybe that will be an option next time. Thankfully, my dad had the week off which was wonderful. He would get up and go get coffee (why is it that coffee from a coffee shop or even a gas station brings about more happiness than coffee made at home??) and then come home and take the boys so that I could get a couple hours of sleep. By the time mom got home from teaching, she would be needing her grandkid fix and I would once again have some time to get other things done.
The wedding was soooo much fun - we laughed all weekend and really had a good time. We all missed my grandmother so much though, because family events were the times that she would really let loose and have fun. Jonna looked amazing and the whole event was just beautiful.
I held it together for the most part. Mike was able to walk us onto the plane (I couldn't believe that) and help me get situated with the three kids. Treyton slept the whole way (no ear problems and no crying-yeah!) and the boys were very well behaved. It helped that they both had brand new Nintendo DS's to keep them busy. Who was it that said she would never buy hand-held video game systems for her kids? Oh yeah, me. I have changed my mind. The games were an early Christmas present from a relative. Let me tell you, they were a life saver.
Now we are home and it is back to reality. Speaking of, I must go now and write a grant that is due tomorrow. Here are a few pictures from our trip!
what a beautiful bride. oh, to be so young and disillusioned...haha, Just kidding Chicago family, don't go putting a hit on me! kidding again! xo
Hey Dana...We are finally getting our card out for the baby. Mom is looking at your blog right now. He may be grown up by now but at least you will have somthing for his baby book!
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